Gambling Tips And Tricks

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Gambling Secrets from Professional Gamblers (Part 3) Tips and Tricks February 13, 2017 by Tyler Durden. Gambling Secrets Build a bankroll And speaking of capital, you cannot play $5,000 hands of blackjack when your entire bankroll consists of merely $50,000. Gambling Tips and Tricks. Most importantly, you need to know when to stop. Also, do not gamble if you are not confident in your skill. A way to help keep you informed is to stay tuned to our guides. You also need to be committed if you want to master casino games. Be up-to-date with the latest trends as well as casino gambling tips. Do you ever want to know some casino secrets to help you beat the house when gambling, well this video is for you. From blackjack tips to poker strategy, her.

The perfect formula on how to win 24/7 does not exist, if it did we would all be millionaires and bookmakers would run out of business. However, there are some tips and tricks on how to increase the odds theoretically, get better at betting and make the whole process much more enjoyable…

10 – Never Gamble More than You Can Afford to Lose

This is more of a rule but it comes in handy, as spending more than you feel comfortable with can only make you frustrated and might lead into serious problems. Responsible gambling is extremely important and that is why experienced bettors state that avoiding too much alcohol while making bets is a number one rule.

Gambling Tips And Tricks

9 – Stay Safe & Secure

Gambling Tips And Tricks

Dozens of new gambling website appear online each day, and even though some of them are yet to become great, a very high percentage are either poorly done or simply trying to scam people. Websites such as are 100% safe as they are licensed and operating for years with only positive feedback. Your money is safe with them and all of the withdrawals and deposits are almost immediate (depending on the method).

8 – Be Realistic

We have all heard of stories about that one guy who won millions on a small bet. Do not expect to be that one guy as he is a special sand grain in a desert. That is why the first tip from this list is extremely important. You might be on a winning streak and make profits, but other times all of the cash goes down the drain. Be prepared for the worst as you are not the one playing on the field, but just a spectator.

7 – Study

If you are in a love with one sport or a particular club, using that knowledge might come in handy. But if you are serious about gambling, staying updated on the news, learning about team’s playstyle, keeping track of their records and knowing what to expect is crucial.

6 – Objectivity Is Important

Making money might require betting against your favourite club sometimes. Do not follow the heart if making a profit and being positive is your goal. In fact, they might lose, but at least you have made some money yourself on that and betting against them is a win-win situation sometimes.

5 – Move Around

Going from one land bookmaker to another might be tiring and if nothing, limited, but when you are online, the options are unlimited. Check for bonuses and free bets around the web, and the website is 100% secure, give it a try as there you cannot use anything if they are offering no deposit bonuses. Here is a great list of some of the most popular and reputable bookmakers in the UK and the rest of the world.

4 – Choose a Playstyle

There are two different roads you can go:


1. Small bets with higher total odds and higher rewards
2. Big bets that award lower but have low odds and higher chances of winning

The risk is actually the same, as losing $10 ten times is equal to losing $100 all at once. Maybe play both ways, with small investments on the side, just in case you hit the Holy Mary, while nail biting for the high stake one.

3 – Keep Track of Your Money

Simply keep track of all the withdrawals and deposits made. First of all it prevents you from leaving any cash stuck in some of the bookies you visited. The other thing is that it gives you a realistic picture of how’s your gambling career going.

Noticing a huge deficit signals that you are either very unlucky or you are not betting smart. It is better to stop rather than getting into debt and losing even more. Be honest with yourself and do not gamble outside the comfort zone.

2 – Strategies

If you want to get more serious about sports betting, then research and personal predictions are just not enough, as devoting more time to it requires profit and minimizing the losses. Tens of strategies already exist and are made with mathematics and experience.

Study those, get familiar with the whole system and you are going to notice the difference both in your wallet and head guaranteed. However, the perfect formula does not exist, but the ones that do help a lot.

1 – Have Fun & Take Breaks

A lot of people are extremely serious about sports betting, but it is crucial to be careful as the hobby might become an addiction in no time. Betting daily for longer periods of time can cause one to become addicted to the adrenaline that betting brings.

That is why regular breaks are extremely helpful. Keep watching matches and staying updated but simply do not gamble. If that’s tempting you, completely rest from watching sport. Talk to someone if you feel like you are addicted before it is too late.

Everyone goes to the casino to win. After all, a jackpot is not a bad idea. Thousands of casino goers spend a good part of their hard-earned money in gambling centers but to no avail. However, some winners win consistently, though a few. Why are there so few that win? Gambling is a process that tests one’s good fortune. So, winning is purely a matter of luck. Hold it; there are many things you can do to become a bit luckier. Some simple casino tips and tricks can make you perform better in gambling.

General tips for gambling

Let’s have a look at some easy steps that will show you how to gamble and win. These are not specific rules to follow for any particular game, but the guidelines you may follow in general wherever applicable in gambling and casino games.

  • Play regularly

It does not mean that you have to throw away wads of money every day. History shows that most of the greatest winners in gambling are the ones who played regularly. Trying your luck once in a while may not make you a winner. Instead, if you make it a habit, even if you wager with lesser amounts, with a clear focus and proper homework, you might win a jackpot in no time. This recommendation is one of the big gamblers’ tips followed by the pros.

  • Stick to your bets and numbers

When there is a betting game, many players wager on his/her ‘lucky number’ several times but abandons it after a few tries, just to see it winning in a couple of rounds. When you wager on a number, stick to it consistently, because every time another number turns up, it simply means the chances for your number to turn up in the coming rounds is increasing. It’s the probability theory in work, and one of the gamblers’ tips the pros won’t tell you.

  • House edge and payout schemes

The house edge is the percentage of the total money received by a casino that they keep with them, paying out the remaining amount as rewards. So, simple arithmetic shows that for a higher house edge, either the reward amount is less or rewards are less frequent, or both. Learn about the casino’s payout scheme before playing. Usually, the house edge varies in the range of 5% – 15%.

  • Significance of bigger wagers

Gambling Tips And Tricks

Remember, playing with small amounts will only return small rewards. That’s how a casino strategy usually works. If you are aiming big, you have to wager big. The size of the jackpots varies with the amount a machine receives. A quarter-cent machine will give you a smaller jackpot compared to the dollar machine. Follow this rule if you are wondering about how to gamble and win big.

  • Do your homework

Casino Tips And Tricks

Anyone has to be prepared sufficiently if he/she is serious about winning, especially if you are new to gambling, so do your research before entering a casino. Make sure the casino is legit with proper certifications. Try the free games option to familiarize yourself instead of playing paid games to make trial-and-error rounds. There are computer simulations available for different games, too.

  • Win by psychology

When you are playing a group game with other players, say, a game like poker, psychology and body language is an important aspect that decides your winning odds. Learn how to read the body language of your opponent so that you can predict their prospects and the next move. Also, don’t give away your information by your body language and facial expressions. Another psychological move is to choose a casino with fewer champions and more recreational visitors with little strategy.

Most recommendations are nothing but common-sense gambling tricks. However, they still can bring high rewards for you if followed scrupulously.

Gaming Tips And Tricks

Strategies for specific games


Now let us examine some casino tips and tricks that could be applied to certain popular games.

  • Poker

Perhaps the most important strategy in poker is to use your body language and mind-reading tricks properly. If you can read your opponents’ facial expressions, you get information about the kind of combo they hold. Also, you may learn to ‘bluff’ effectively to mislead the opponents. Another tip for poker is not to be bothered about the initial cards if they are bad. They could be replaced with better cards at later rounds of the game.

  • Roulette

Play European roulette instead of the American version. The latter has an additional slot ‘00’ favouring the gambling establishment, which reduces your chances of winning.

If you are wondering how to win gambling at Roulette like a pro, then go for any of the standard proven strategies like the Martingale strategy, Fibonacci strategy, James Bond strategy, etc., giving specific guidelines on how to bet and manage your budget. You may also try the ‘outside betting’ technique for good prospects.

  • Slots

Be aware of the volatility factor with slot machines. The lower the volatility, the more frequent are the wins, albeit with smaller rewards. High volatility offers less frequent wins but with high rewards. To know such implications is to know how to gamble effectively.

Payout levels could differ from machine to machine at slots, as well as from casino to casino. So, look for products with higher payouts and keep in mind that bigger jackpots come only with higher wagers.

  • Keno

Follow these gamblers’ tips to win a game in Keno. Stick to your lucky number bets consistently as per the probability theory mentioned earlier. Chances for winning are increased in this way. To minimize any losses incurred, follow a wagering pattern that breaks even when you win. Also, decide prudently how many numbers to wager on if you are to play a worthwhile game.

Sports Betting Tips And Tricks


The above discussion has listed various fundamental tips and tricks on how to win gambling games by applying appropriate plans of action. It is obvious that these are no rocket science; instead, if you sit and reflect on them, you’ll see how simple they are and how fruitful the gambling session may become if you’re duly prepared.

Gambling Tips And Tricks

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